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Our webpages and videos are created by Dennis Callan, who has been on the road leading more than 85 tours to Europe and elsewhere over the past 35 years. Dennis shoots the videos, catching the highlights people love to see, along with unusual, obscure out-of-the-way places. All this time leading tour groups has provided valuable insights into what people actually enjoy doing and what they could skip in their visits.  His vast experiences have come together in this website that provides links to many videos, along with descriptions, photos and maps of nearly 200 towns in Europe.

This detailed information about Europe's most fascinating places will help you prepare for future trips, or re-live journeys you have already taken, or just enjoy the sights from the comfort of home as an armchair traveler.   The information is educational and entertaining, filling you in on the history and modern life while suggesting how to best see these amazing places.  These practical guides will help you select the best destinations – or maybe you just want to browse and take a quick video vacation to escape your daily grind. Our selection of sights and informative descriptions place a special emphasis on history, art, architecture, design, culture and modern life, with walking tours that explain where to go.

European towns are perfect for strolling, with compact urban centers that have developed over the centuries into rewarding neighborhoods filled with fascinating history and vibrant, modern life. These historic centers are excellent places to find authentic travel experiences, rubbing elbows with the past and present. Each city included has immensely rich neighborhoods one can best enjoy on foot, if you know where to go. 

Background bio: Dennis started traveling early as a military dependent, which kept him moving during his first eight years from Ohio to Long Island, then to London for 3 years, to California, and back to Long Island for 8 years. After graduation from Brown University with a degree in English Literature, he moved to Hawaii and has been there ever since, living in Honolulu with his wife, June.
Dennis earned Master of Arts degrees in anthropology and political science at the University of Hawaii, then did further studies there in journalism and urban planning, followed by several different careers including sales and marketing work. Then he experienced a life-changing trip to Europe in 1985 -- traveling six weeks on a eurail pass, shooting 3,000 slides, and coming home to launch a career in travel, leading tours to Europe and elsewhere for the past 35 years.

During these years Dennis has created about 1,500 travel videos for YouTube, which have gotten over 56 million total viewings, with 150,000 subscribers. Most of these videos are available on this website, and on our Tourvideos website. He has also written a guidebook about Rome that includes 32 short videos, extensive texts, maps and many photos, with routes and desrcriptions of six walking tours.

News articles about Dennis, which you can also download as pdf.